Hand In Hand To The Top...

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” C.G Jung.

Today marks a special day for me, my heart is expanding big time. I'll share the story in few second but first to the above quote:)

Yes until you make the unconscious conscious, what does that mean?

It means knowing yourself; what are you thinking, what is driving your behavior and is creating your results, i.e. your life. It means growing you, it means leading your life not be lead by it!

When you know yourself you can grow yourself. 
That does not happen randomly, it happens intentionally
Yes, you set intentions to grow yourself to grow your life, to follow the law expansion.

That is the biggest gift you can give to yourself. 
Invest in yourself, grow yourself, grow your life, and grow others on the way.

Now you are contributing to upleveling the planet, with every step you take to be alive to be conscious you are uplevleing the planet, the world becomes a better place when you grow.

This is what I love about my work, growing myself and growing others. 

Now to why today is special:)

A dear client of mine is not only investing in her own growth, but also in others, Marianne decided to sponsor her friend to attend my upcoming workshop in Amman “ Put your Dream to the Test” This is what happens when we are more connected to our true self, Marianne Thank you for being you!

I believe the highest act in life is growing our self, adding value to our self as this reflects in the universe, once we do that we indirectly influence others. Yet setting a clear intention to add value to others that is a different level in meeting one of the basic human needs, contribution, going beyond our self. 

P.S. Marianne attended my workshop In Amman back in January “Kick Start 2017; Unleash Your True Self “She is also joining me together with another beautiful member of her new tribe who shared the January workshop experience. They are both joining me in Italy, “Heal Your Heart In The Heart Of The World”; A self-care journey in the breathtaking Matera.

Thank you, Marianne, for not only growing you but also growing others!

nevin elgendy