Multiple intentions.... what to do you when you lose focus!
There are moments when I lose focus, it’s human nature we all do!
But what matters is what do we do when we lose focus and productivity drops?
Do you beat yourself up?
Do you Lose hope that you could change and be more focused
Be more productive
And Achieve your dreams?
This won’t take you anywhere but downward spiral and completely opposite direction from where you want to be: uplevel... upward
So what can you do?
When I do lose focus, I remind myself with my intention:
Growing nevin
Growing Nevin’s life
Growing Nevin’s practice
Sometimes that does not give me the real push or urge
So I go to my next intention
YOU... yes you♥️
I remind myself with my role
I remind myself with the difference I can make in people lives
I remind myself with my Divine mission
“Making you and this world a happy place”
And I know I can, so all I need is to remind myself with my mission
Widen my circle of focus from just nevin to US ♥️♥️
And anytime I set a clear of intention to be of service to humanity, I immediately feel the support of the Divine
Because now I’m aligned with his laws...
The law of love
The law of contribution
The law of expanding the world through our own expansion
So find an intention for any action or result you are looking for that is not only about you, but about you and US ♥️
that’s HIS law...
Align and get ahead of your game.
Set multiple intentions to get his support ♥️🤲🏻