The six figure business; a step by step guide to achieving your dream.

A couple of questions I’m always asked, how can I identify my dream? How to achieve my dream?

When my four kids were still at school, to power off their computers I used to unplug it. Yes, you read right, I did not know how to switch off a computer.

Coming from a generation where lights needed to be off when not in use, I needed to power it off, so plugging it out of the wall was the solution:)

Not long after, I was at a time in my life when I was feeling down, I was still playing victim but I would act differently from time to time J Luckily this time I did.

I decided to do something for myself, I decided to do a graduate degree in family therapy at the American University in Cairo, and my application was rejected. Later I’ll share with you a funny story about it on a different blog.

A year later I applied for an online graduate degree “ Project Management” at Boston University, I was accepted. Was it easy, Hell no. I remember the days I would cry myself to sleep from the pressure. Thinking about a project, which I was stuck on, it was insane, I would dream about my work, have new ideas, test them in the morning and they would actually work.

Did I use this degree? No

Now back to my original title, the first step to my 6 figure coaching practice; a practice that is totally built online. Had I not taken these early steps years ago, would I be where I am today? No.

Your dream is out there, if you don’t know it, feel what you are feeling right now. Take one step forward, get closer to your dream, as your dream won’t come to you, you will.

Act on what excites you now, what felt right and was exciting back then was the family therapy, did it work, no J but was one step forward. Enough studying, discussing posting positive quotes, wishing and hoping, ACT and act NOW.

What felt right afterward was the online project management program, a step forward towards my online coaching practice for sure. The two steps were necessary.

Be ready not every step might look relevant, still if it feels right go for it.

Use your energy efficiently, do not use it to make excuses, why it can’t work, use that energy and change the question to how can I make it work? How can I do online program versus I can’t do online as I don’t know how to use a computer.

Now ready for roadblocks? You need to, as they will come to help you understand how strong you are. Problems are our designed curriculum that puts us face to face with our self to know what we need to work on.  Problems are our agents for change and growth, so work around them and persistent, learn your lessons and grow.


Be ready for Resistance, it’s a must not only people will resist your change and plan, but also you will. Why will they resist? Because the seed of your dream was planted in your soul, not theirs’ and they won’t get it.

You will also sometimes resist and find reasons to quit, simply don’t. We all resist change, but life is about change be alive, change and grow. What does not grow dies!!

Two secret ingredients in the journey to success, patience and trust. Trust that voice in your heart, that’s the divine’s whispering in your heart directing you to your North Star. Allow HIM to guide you to become all you are meant to be, to align with HIS divine plan for you.

Starting the practice was another round in all of the above :) Feel, act, persist and create again.

It’s the trio; Connect, listen and follow. Connect to your heart, listen to that voice and take an action today and know you are supported and guided.

One last note, I was almost 50 when I launched my practice, age is not an excuse, an excuse I hear a Loooooooot, so check this one out of your excuses list:)

We are all here waiting for your launch, Fly high and inspire..


Making change fun:)

nevin elgendy